Get upto 4%* on our Savings Account Balances with Heritageglobal bnk.
Get upto 4%* on our Savings Account Balances with Heritageglobal bnk.
Committed to helping our customers succeed.
Our registration process is express. No charges, no dificult step.
Our platform is just what you need as an individual or a business.
Our expert system monitors your transactions to ensure there are no hidden charges.
Make transfer to both local and International accounts without any hidden charges
Request for loan for your personal projects and others.
Make transfer to both local and International accounts without any hidden charges
Request for loans for project funding and company improvements
List of banking service requests all in one place.
With our personal Bank Cards, You can make transactions form the comfort of your home without moving an inch.
Fast processing transaction
No hidden charges on transactions
Our Online banking platform comes with new & exciting features.